Serving on a Frontline Team gives you the unique opportunity to be a part of a person’s first experience with Generation Church and, possibly, their first experience with any church. Most people you see on a Sunday morning are serving with one of these teams. Our goal is to cultivate a safe, inclusive, and welcoming atmosphere where people can see the love of Jesus through our actions and interactions.


Hospitality: Prepares and serves coffee to our Generation family and snacks to our Serve Teams while greeting them with a warm hello and engaging conversation. 

Parking: Assists with direction and safety in the parking lot before and after service while offering a warm greeting as people get out of their cars. 

Usher: Ensures comfortable seating and assists guests in finding seats, especially once the service begins and the lights are dimmed. Ushers will provide direction for first-time guests, track attendance figures for all Generation areas, and assist with counting the weekly offering.

Safety: Maintains a warm, watchful presence and remains aware of who enters the church before, during, and after the service while paying particular attention to our GenKids areas. Our Safety Team members serve at both Sunday morning services on the weekend they are scheduled for.

Welcome: Engages everyone who steps on the Generation property in a warm, inclusive, and helpful way while connecting with first-time guests and helping them with their next steps. This team includes 2 positions: Sidewalk Greeters and the Welcome Desk.

Cleaning: Provides a clean and sanitized space for our weekly gathering and GenKids areas, so all who enter feel comfortable and safe. The team does not serve on Sunday mornings but comes during the week they are scheduled to prepare for the weekend gatherings.